Conception and Elaboration of Materials University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This class is divided into three courses: Inorganic Materials,Polymers and Colloids.UPON COMPLETION OF THE COURSE, STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO: - Select and define one or several methods of elaboration, theformulation of a material according to the specifications, select theassociated techniques of characterization, according to the consideredscale. - Define adapted protocols of elaboration and characterization.All projects aim to develop group work, self-directed learning as wellas communication capacities.Thus, this course contains a group projecton a theme relative to the module, consisting in the preparation of aposter and its oral presentation.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma.
Grading Philosophy
- Continuous assessment: group project with poster preparation andoral presentation - 40% of overall mark - Final assessment: written exam – 3h00, 60% of overall markThe first session of the final exam takes place in December.In the case of insufficient results, a second session is organized forthe final exam, either as a written exam or an oral session, dependingon the number of students. This 2nd session takes place atthe end ofJune.
Course schedule
> INORGANIC MATERIALS - Densification of ceramics by sintering - Single crystals: crystal genesis by zonemelting, in flow - Thin coats: physical ways (PVD), andchemical ways (CVD) - Case studies> POLYMERS - General characters of the formulationand main auxiliaries of theformulation of polymers - Examples of formulations usingpolymers as additives (cosmetic,food) - Examples of formulation using polymersas main matter (coating) - Polymers of tomorrow and recycling> COLLOIDS - Introduction: definition of acolloidal material - Tension of surface: presentation ofsurfactants agents, notion ofstability and of metastability thermodynamics - Formulation of micro-emulsions, Bancroft's rule, notion ofspontaneous curvature - Examples of colloidal materials used in the current life
Course type
- Lectures and practical sessions (each chapter of the course is composed of 6 lectures and 6 practical sessions) - Total duration: 36 x 1h20
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Please note that the number of places available may be limited forcertain classes.Duration: 14 weeksLanguage of instruction: Lectures and practical sessions are taught in French. All course material is available in English.Mode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jérôme