Contemporary Solid State materials in a Nutshell National Taiwan University

Course Overview
The discovery of superconductor in 1911 can be marked as the inception of contemporary solid state physics. The quest for understanding the mechanism behind superconductivity lasted for decades, until the BCS theory finally arrived in 1957. However, the endeavor to discover high-Tc superconductor continued till today. The rich variations of novel solid state materials also emerged during the past 50 years, with the advancement of materials growth technology. In this course, we will start from some advanced languages of solid state physics such as second quantization and Hubbard model, then discuss several materials systems using these new tools.
Learning Achievement
(0) Quick review of basic solid state physics
(1) Second quantization of fermions
(2) Electron-electron interaction
(3) Hubbard model
(4) Mott insulator and localization
(5) Second quantization of bosons
(6) Electron-phonon interaction
(7) Bose-Einstein condensation
(8) Superconductor
(9) BCS theory
(10) Mesoscopic transport
(11) Quantum Hall effect
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Chi-Feng Pai
Other information
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Graduate Institute of Materials Science and Engineering
Site for Inquiry
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