Continuum mechanics and Finite Element method applied to Solid Mechanics University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
2 parts : -Introduction to Continuum Mechanics at graduate level – Kinematics,Equilibriumand Constitutive equations -Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (YL) accompanied with labs ona Finite Element Analysis software ABAQUS
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Basic knowledge in mathematics
Grading Philosophy
FIRST SESSION:Lab test - coef. 0.2Supervised assignment (SA1 1h30) - coef. 0.2Supervised assignment (SA2 1h30) - coef. 0.2Final Assignment (3h00) - coef. 0.4SECOND SESSION:Written ororal assignment (3h00) - coef. 0.8Others (reportof Lab rating) - coef. 0.2
Course schedule
Introduction to Continuum Mechanics: This course is an introduction to continuum mechanics and FiniteElement Analyses tools, for future engineers that require fundamentaland applied knowledge in solid and fluid mechanics. It exposes thestudent to modeling hypothesis of matter as a continuum, generalconservation laws and constitutive equations. -Continuum Mechanics, motivation, hypothesis and objectives. -Kinematics – Displacement and definition of Deformation measures -Balance laws Mass, Linear momentum, angular momentum, First principleof thermodynamics – Forces and Stress -Constitutive RelationsFINITE ELEMENT THEORY AND APPLICATION -Introduction to Finite element approach -Construction of stiffness matrix (truss and beam elements) -Assembly of elementary matrix and introduction of boundary conditions -Variational approach -Applications on industrial code: Abaqus
Course type
Lectures: 20h (14h YC, 6 YL), tutorials, labs (15h YL).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: in-class, face-to-face
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Aurélie