Critical Analysis of Clinical Studies in Cardio-Oncology University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
In the last decades, the cancer treatment has advanced significantly and improved patients' survival. As a result, cardiovascular complications related to chemotherapy have had a higher impact in their overall survival and quality of. Thus, understanding cardiotoxicity related to cancer treatment, the main medications involved, the potential for reversibility and the management of patients at risk of toxicity has become part of the daily practice of clinical cardiology. Additionally, the potential cardiotoxicity of newer cancer treatment drug is yet to be defined. The collaboration of the Cancer Institute of the State of S_o Paulo and the Heart Institute of the Hospital das Cl_nicas of the Medical School of the University of S_o Paulo, with extensive interaction between cardiologists and oncologists, provides a unique setting for the development of research in the field. The present course aims to bring the discussion on the development of the science related to the field to postgraduate students.
Learning Achievement
Discipline aimed at postdoctoral physicians and other health professionals with scientific interest in the area of Cardio-Oncology. The main objective is to enable students to apply the key fundamental Cardio-oncology concepts in research and clinical practice.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Frequency, performance and participation during lectures and discussions (the responsible teachers are present in all classes) - On-line questionnaires
Course schedule
Topics to be addressed: 1. Critical analysis of the studies on cardiotoxicity by Anthracyclines, Trastuzumab and tyrosine kinase inhibitors; 2. Radiotherapy and cardiovascular system; 3. Effects of endocrine therapy for breast and prostate cancer and cardiovascular complications; 4. Peculiarities in the treatment of heart failure and coronary disease in cancer patients, evidence gaps and opportunities for research; 5. Pericardium diseases in cancer patients.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Roberto Kalil Filho, Ludhmila Abrah_o Hajjar, M_rcio Sommer Bittencourt
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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