Critical Path Research Management University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
"This course aims to equip students with an understanding the process of critical path research and translational research, using to translate the finding in basic research more quickly and efficiently into medical practice. 1. Students will be able to explain the process of medical drug and device development. 2. Students will be able to explain the importance of pre-clinical and clinical studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of medical drugs and devices. 3. Students will be able to explain the social situation of medical drug and device development, and the organization and authorized people concerning drug development. 4. Students will be able to explain the importance of technology for drug and device development and intellectual property."
Learning Achievement
1 医薬品や治療器具、医用材料の開発や治療・診断装置の開発プロセスについて説明できる。2 安全性・有効性の科学的実証研究(前臨床研究、臨床研究(治験))の重要性につき説明できる。3 医薬品・医療機器開発の置かれている社会的状況、開発に関わる関係者・関係機関につき説明できる。4 医薬品や治療器具、医用材料の開発や治療・診断装置の開発プロセスにおいて用いられる技術、知的財産確保の重要性について説明できる。1 Students will be able to explain the process of medical drug and device development.2 Students will be able to explain the importance of pre-clinical and clinical studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of medical drugs and devices.3 Students will be able to explain the social situation of medical drug and device development, and the organization and authorized people concerning drug development.4 Students will be able to explain the importance of technology for drug and device development and intellectual property.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
点数配分は出席時の質疑応答状況(30%)と指定された課題に対するリポート(70%)とする。Class attendance and participation (30%) and reports (70%)
Course schedule
オンライン(オンデマンド型)授業として実施、manabaで詳細通知Conducted as an online (on-demand type) lesson, detailed notification in the manaba(10月5日、6,7時限)橋本幸一 Koichi Hashimoto, 橋渡し研究プロセス概論 Introduction to critical path research and translational research(10月12日、6,7時限)山田武史 Takeshi Yamada, 橋渡し研究の実際例(がん領域の臨床試験)An example of translational research (Clinical trials in oncology area)(10月19日、6,7時限)岩崎甫 Wataru Iwasaki, 医薬品開発の世界的潮流と日本の役割 Global drug development, and the role of Japan(10月26日、6,7時限)三森八重子 Yaeko Mitsumori, 技術イノベーション Innovation of technology(11月2日、6,7時限)松阪諭 Satoshi Matsusaka, 橋渡し研究の実際例(リキッドバイオプシー)An example of translational research (Liquid biopsy)(11月9日、6,7時限)町野毅 Takeshi Machino, 橋渡し研究の実際例(循環器の再生医療)An example of translational research (Regenerative medicine)(11月16日、6,7時限)村谷匡史 Kunifumi Muratani, 医薬品開発(探索の進め方)、バイオインフォマティックス Drug development (Drug discovery), Bio-imformatics(11月30日、6,7時限)鶴嶋英夫 Hideo Tsurushima, 橋渡し研究の実際例(医療機器)An example of translational research (Medical device)(12月7日、6,7時限)小島崇宏 Takahiro Kojima, 橋渡し研究の実際例(泌尿器領域の橋渡し研究)An example of translational research (Urological translational research)(12月14日、6,7時限)井上智子 Tomoko Inoue, 橋渡し研究の実際例(デジタルヘルス)An example of translational research (Digital health)
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Hashimoto Koichi,Muratani Masafumi,Machino Takeshi,Yamada Takeshi,Marushima Aiki
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university