Crop-Insect Interactions National Taiwan University

Course Overview
As land plants are sessile organisms, they have evolved sophisticated defense mechanisms against various environmental stresses. To survive and reproduce, plants adapt to stresses by changing their physiology and gene expression. Insect herbivores are one of major biotic stresses to plants. As plants are the main nutrient sources for these insects, plants have evolved with a number of defense mechanisms to protect themselves. In this course, we will explain crop-insect interaction from several aspects (molecular mechanisms, traits, ecology, evolution, and practical farming management).
Learning Achievement
Help students to understand the concept of Crop-Insect Interaction and offer the opportunity for writing paper and oral presentation
Course prerequisites
Course Outline: 1. An overview of Crop -Insect Interactions 2. Plant traits to insects 3. Insect traits to plants 4. Tritrophic interactions 5. Plant community ecology and evolution 6. Implications of Crop -Insect Interactions
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Wen-Po Chuang
Other information
(College of Bioresources and Agriculture) Department of Agronomy,
(College of Bioresources and Agriculture) Graduate Institute of Agronomy, Crop Science Division
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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