Cross-Cultural Communication University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
In this course, students will learn the basics of cross-cultural communication in respect to the globalised university, and the future working environment they will face. Irrespective of your backgrounds, past affiliations and disciplines, the need will be to have good communication with people having diverse perspectives and personalities, and which is key for building relationships and success, and future careers. Expert guest speakers and workshop with Expert Communicators will be held. 3rd Batch students(Oct. 2022 enroll) : Register Fall AB
Learning Achievement
Students will be engaged in knowing/understanding and achieving the basics of communication skills by learning both the theory (lectures and practicals) and discussing/practicing these skills in thier sport-coaching or research areas, including interaction with invited guests from Sport and Olympic-Paralympic (coaching, training, events, education & research, sport science, professionals in communication) backgrounds
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Attendance & Class Participation: 70%, Discussion & Works: 30%
Course schedule
Tentative Schedule Day 1: General Introduction to Cross Cultural Communication ? April 8th (5th period) Day 2: Towards Developing CCCs ? April 15th (5th period) Day 3: ITB-W-N-L ? April 22th (5th period) Day 4: Communication Skill Training I ? May 6th (6th period) (Shige-Guest Lecturer) Day 5: Communication Skill Training II ? May 13th (5th period) (Shige-Guest Lecturer) Day 6: Communication Skill Training III ? May 20th (5th period) (Shige-Guest Lecturer) Days 7-10: Whole day-Guest Speakers from abroad: Special Talk on Sport Volunteering (Nada Rochevska- a Premier Sports Volunteer Consultant, Cologne, Germany) - morning session: 8:40 AM to 10:30 AM & Communication Workshop and Training (Yukari Carrie Horiguchi: CEO & President at Communication Psychology International, Tokyo, Japan) - afternoon session:1 PM to 5 PM) ? June 29th Follow Up ? Advice on Communication Challenges and Networking Issues (as required, GSI-403, Prof. Rakwal)
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Rakwal Randeep
Other information
Sincerity, timeliness, concentrated effort to learning and active participation in the class / discussion and practice during the program. Understanding of cultures and contexts is a key. Behavior in and out of class to UT-graduate school/international standards
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university