Data Management & Web Design University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
During the course, students broaden their knowledge on abstract typesand develop competencies through applied projects.Upon completion of the course, students are able to: - Design data structures, study their behaviour and propertieswithout referring to their actual implementation. - Implement classical data structures using object orientedlanguages: sequences, stacks, queues, trees, graphs. - Sort and search data structures. - Compare algorithmic complexity and empirical evaluation.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High school diploma in science.
Grading Philosophy
Continuous assessment: projects and an oral presentation.
Course schedule
- Database management systems architecture. - Relational model: properties, constraints, relational algebra. - Formalism of data structures using database formats. - XML format analysis and tools. - SQL, XML. - Web application development to illustrate a concrete case study. Aweb interface will also be developed in completion of the application.Projects involve using actual databases, designing data models,implementing databases emphasizing their structure, robustness andclarity, accompanied by appropriate documentation.
Course type
Group work.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching ; E-learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Marie Beurton