Design of Wireless Communication Networks National Taiwan University

Course Overview
1. Overviews of wireless communication systems 2. Modular communication systems and protocol design 3. Eexperiment and algorithm development in IEEE 802.15.4 platform 4. Network and MAC protocol designs for personal and local area networks 5. Mathematical modeling for communication systems and protocols 4. Physical and MAC protocol designs for mobile and wide area networks 7. Cross layer design and optimization for emerging wireless communication systems
Learning Achievement
This course aims at in-depth discussion of wireless communication systems and their protocols. We will focus on the design rationales of communication protocols, the overall network architectures and performance evaluation of complicated wireless systems so that students will be capable of designing next-generation communications systems through rigorous simulation and mathematical analysis. In addition, we will for the first time introduce the IEEE 802.15.4 experiment test bed for hands-on experiments. Studets will learn from the real hands-on experiment the design of wireless protocols and thus to develop new applications in wireless networking.
Course prerequisites
1. Probability and Statistics 2. Introduction to Computer Networks 3. C/C++ programming
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement