Development Economics University of Bordeaux
Course Overview
Knowledge of poverty/inequality measurement and analyses. Ability tounderstand the impact of development policies (problem of evaluation,randomized or quasi-experiments) and the targeting of social programs.Understanding of the theoretical reasoning behind poverty phenomena.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Ability to manipulate algebraic formulas and graphs, to follow acourse in English, to mobilize microeconomic reasoning.
Grading Philosophy
Assessment based on continuous exams (two 30-minute MCQ) and bonus forinterventions in class.
Course schedule
The course is organized into four chapters covering: - Poverty measurement and analysis - Methods for assessing the impact of development interventions - The study of social transfer programs and poverty targeting - Causes of poverty: credit market and labor market imperfections(health, productivity, wage link)
Course type
Lectures (17.5h), with texts/videos to read/watch at home (self-study hours) and discuss in class (based onVOX-DEV, World Bank blog, etc.)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
The course is based on a set of slides (in English) made available tostudents as the semester progresses. Reading materials and videos areoffered and to be viewed by students before each session. In addition,two books can be used to complete the course: - _Alain de Janvry and Elizabeth Sadoulet (2016): DevelopmentEconomics,Theory and Practice, Routledge._ - _D. Ray (1998): Development Economics, Princeton UniversityPress. ___For those wishing to go deeper, two more technical books, the first ontheory and the second on empirical approaches: - _K. Basu (1997): Analytical Development Economics: The LessDevelopedEconomy Revisited, MIT Press._ - _A. Deaton (1997): The Analysis of Household Surveys: AMicroeconometric Approach to Development Policy, The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press._Duration: 17.5 hours (10 sessions of 1 hour and 45 min)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Teaching and learning modes: in-class
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Olivier Coordinator of 3rd year Bachelor: André Meunié