Diffraction Crystallography University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Diffraction technique and theory for studying or developing new materials will be lectured on the bases of solid-state physics. The method of crystal diffraction with quantum beam not only for quantitative structural determination and characterization but also for studying local structure and structural fluctuations/modulations at the microscopic level will be explained.
Learning Achievement
To understand the crystal structure and microstructure of new materials at the atomic-size level, and to be able to apply this knowledge to research. To be able to understand the unique physical phenomena found in various materials from a structural standpoint, and to be able to apply this understanding to research.
Fundamental engineering ability, Basic academic abilities, Ethical view, Practical insight and problem-solving ability
Course prerequisites
Mastery of the fundamentals of solid state physics.
Grading Philosophy
Students are expected to attend every class. The total score of the final examination (report) (80%) and the quiz at the end of the class (20%) is 60% or more of the full score to pass the course. The grade of A+ to C will be based on the total score. However, students with poor attendance will not be eligible for credit.
Course schedule
Basis of diffractionQuantum beamScattering from materialsAtomic scattering factor and neutron scattering lengthNeutron scattering cross sectionDiffraction on the reciprocal latticeSymmetry and point groupSpace group, lattice transformationAbsolute structureMagnetic neutron scattering
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Takahashi Miwako
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university