Dissolved Organic Matter in Marine Hydrothermal Systems National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This course is designed to guide students to learn about dissolved organic matter in marine environment. Quantitatively, marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) contains a large amount of fixed carbon (660 Pg C) that is approaching the amount of carbon in the atmospheric CO2 (750 Pg C). In the past few decades, our understanding of DOM in the marine environment has greatly advanced due to several breakthroughs in analytical techniques and combining with molecular approaches. While the interactions between DOM and hydrothermal activities are still not well studies, this will be an open field for students. Through this course, I’ll introduce a few current research directions that scientists/oceanographers use to reveal the mysterious marine DOM in hydrothermal systems. The class starts by having each student to present why they are coming to this course. In particular, students will share the connection between DOM to their research topics and their most interested topics. The purpose is to custom-made the course to better meet students’ need. Each week, the course will start by me giving a brief introduction of the topic. We will then spend 40 mins discussing recently published research papers relevant to the topic and another 30-40 mins to compile the data from the published research papers, free online resources such as Earth Cube and combine with your own research data if available. We will then make our own data analysis and interpretations.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
his course will be offered in English and thus, students must be able to understand English well enough to enroll. Students are required to read and present in English. This is a reading intensive course. Students are required to attend ALL classes. No more than two unexcused absences are permitted.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement