Distributed Systems Université Grenoble Alpes

Course Overview
Review of core principles of distributed systems. Characteristics and design issues of distributed systems, briefly revisiting the basic notions on network support, naming and binding.Main concepts and terminology of fault tolerance, including replicated servers for high-availability. Peer-to-peer Distributed Systems. Both structured and unstructured P2P architectures and designs.
Learning Achievement
The objectives of this course are:
- to study the basic concepts used to design distributed algorithms: processes, failures, etc.
- to study a set of distributed algorithms that are used in modern distributed systems.
At the end of the course, the student will be familiar with a set of widely used algorithms. In particular, the following families of algorithms will be introduced: consensus algorithms, broadcast algorithms, synchronisation algorithms, etc.
Course prerequisites
Basic notions of operating systems.
Basic notions of networks.
Grading Philosophy
Final exam
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Vivien Quema
Other information
Course content can evolve at any time before the start of the course. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the course contact about the detailed program.
Please consider the following deadlines for inbound mobility to Grenoble:
- April 1st, 2020 for Full Year (September to June) and Fall Semester (September to January) intake ;
- September 1st, 2020 for Spring Semester intake (February – June).
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: international.cic_tsukuba@grenoble-inp.fr