Drug Discovery & Pharmaceutical Industries University of Bordeaux
Course Overview
This course offers students an introduction into what industrialresearch is (Intellectual property, Patent, Quality procedures,Biotechnology and Regional Economy, Public policy, Laws on ethics,Biosecurity, Drug development Procedures for drug approval, Economicalaspects, etc) and about the kind and level of non scientific skillsthey need to master to be competitive to find a job or to create newjobs on their own (knowledge transfer and valorization,entrepreneurship, innovation and university-business cooperation,technology transfer).
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Students should possess a Bachelor degree (180 ECTS) or equivalentdiploma in biology, biochemistry, biomedical sciences, medicalstudies, pharmacy, cognitive sciences or psychology. - A proveninterest and solid basic knowledge in the field of Neuroscience mustbe provided by students with a Bachelor degree in another subject(chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science). - Languageprerequisites: fluency in English.
Grading Philosophy
>Grading is based on the following examinations: - Final exam: written exam, MCQ: 90 min - Final assessment takes place in November.> One re-sit (oral examination) is allowed.
Course schedule
Content is reflected in module title: the different speakers willdescribe the drug discovery processes performed in different Europeanpharmaceutical industries in the field of neurosciences. Competences: - List ethical issues and regulations linked to animal and humanexperimentation; - Develop basic findings and find applications inorder to reach to clinical, pharmaceutical and biotechnologicaltargets in brain research.
Course type
Lectures from visiting professionals in the pharmaceutical industry.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Selection procedure: send application file with CV, all previoustranscripts and cover letter to the course coordinator - Selectioncriteria: excellent grades and/or other study results, highmotivation, adequate prerequisites.Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Umberto SPAMPINATOumberto.spampinato@u-bordeaux.frMr. Cyril Lançonmaster-b.biologie@u-bordeaux.fr