Dynamics National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This course provides a fundamental knowledge of dynamics, including kinematics and kinetics of particle, system of particles, and rigid bodies in planar and three-dimensional motion. A systematic approach, namely vector analysis and modeling procedure (VAMP), is introduced to precisely describe linear and angular positions, velocities, accelerations, forces, and torques for generating a set of equations of motion, without missing any terms. Other modeling of energy equations, momentum equations, impact of particles and rigid bodies, and Euler equations* are also addressed. Not only are students trained to have the ability of modeling dynamic systems in terms of equations of motion, but they are also experienced with engineering insight of physical laws. (*optional)
Learning Achievement
The primary goal of this fundamental course is to help students become knowledgeable engineers to describe dynamical systems in a systematic approach. On this foundation, students will be prepared to take intermediate dynamics, system dynamics, advanced dynamics, vibration, and structure dynamics.
Course prerequisites
Prerequisite: Calculus (differentiation and some integration).
Homework Assignments: examples plus problems with ending numbers 2 and 6, or specially assigned. It is not required to turn in homework, but the selected problems from homework are tested in quiz. Quiz 36% (each of 9%), Midterm 30%, Final 30%, Attendance 4%. Missed Exam: NO make-up exams will be given without the permission of the instructor. Only unusual and extenuating circumstances warrant a make-up exam. Warning: No grace points after final for any reason. Study Group: (2-3 members) Do your homework by yourself first, and discuss your solution with your team members once a week at least.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Yee Pien Yang
Other information
*Majors-only (including minor and double major students).
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://www.me.ntu.edu.tw/main.php?site_id=1