Econometrics of Casuality University of Bordeaux
Course Overview
The objective of this course is to provide students with a set oftheoretical and practical skills to deal with the problems ofcausalityidentification in econometrics. The course will focus on thenotion of endogeneity as an important hinge between economic theoryand statistical tools. The sources of endogeneity (non-classicalmeasurement errors, omitted variables or simultaneity bias) will bediscussed in detail, as well as some approaches to overcome them(panel data econometrics, instrumental variables, naturalexperiments). The course willdevelop both the theoretical aspects aswell as the practical use of these approaches for the study of publicpolicies. The course will be taught in English.The tutorial sessions, on computers (Stata software) will allowstudents to implement the techniques covered in the course. Thiscourse is a direct continuation of the courses on data analysis (S1)and econometrics (S2) with which it will be entirely coordinated.Students will be assessed on the basis of a final exam as well as on acontinuous monitoring grade through the exercises done in class.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Knowledge of Mathematics - Knowledge of Descriptive Statistics - Knowledge of Probabilities
Grading Philosophy
Continuous examination (40)A written exam lasting 2 hours in June.
Course schedule
Course type
Lecture course, tutorial classes
Online Course Requirement
Other information
All lecture, slides and tutorial material will be available on line.Duration: 12 hoursLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching ; Practical exercises with STATA
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Tanguy Bernardtanguy.