Economics of knowledge and innovation – Strategic watch and competitive intelligence (Cardiac EP) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Mastering the key concepts on innovation and knowledge economics(lectures). Implementing an innovation strategy/project undertechnological and market constraints (case studies). Appropriation ofcompetitive intelligence tools and interdisciplinary work.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
The course does not require any particular background in economics (alist of four basic references will be provided in advance). The course(English-speaking) is intended for and can be taken bystudents with a Master 1 degree in biology, maths, physics,engineering or health sciences or by interns in medicine. The courseis designed to cover the fundamentals of innovation and knowledgeeconomics. A list of 4 references (fundamental books or articles) willbe attached to the course so that students can fully grasp theconcepts covered. Candidates are advised to be comfortable with dataprocessing, graphing and interpretation (descriptive andmultidimensional statistics) and their main software tools (such asexcel). Computer and internet are required for online course.
Grading Philosophy
- Written exam based on a case study (2h) - Group report on real cases of innovation
Course schedule
- Main concepts: definitions and strategies of innovation, publicgoods, externalities and research incentives, increasing returns andnetworks effects. - Competitive intelligence and tools: databases for competitiveintelligence, scope and limits of technological indicators. - Collective work on real innovation cases: applied work based onprofessional patent databases.
Course type
Lectures,case studies seminars, collective project - 24 contact hours: 7 for lectures (basic concepts), 7 for tutorials (tools and data bases), 8 for group work (real cases studies), 2 for the examination. - 40 hours self-study (20 private reading, 5 exam preparation, 15 group work study).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: Three days of teaching - Two days practicingLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: In-class or distance-based learning for concepts and methods - Face-to-face for implementable tools
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Marie CORISmarie.coris@u-bordeaux.frChristophe CARRINCAZEAUX (course coordinator)christophe.carrincazeaux&u-bordeaux.frLaure DANGLES (faculty secretary)