Educational Policy 1 University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Students study the historical development of the public education system in the process of the formation of modern states. Examples are drawn from Germany (Prussia) in the 18th and the 19th century, France after the French Revolution, as well as Japan from the end of the Tokugawa period until the beginning of the Meiji era. In dealing with these three cases, discussions are conducted in the following perspectives, i.e. nationalism and education; the formation of national identity and education; and industrialization and education. Furthermore, the role of education policy is discussed in reference to social transformation in Japan and other countries in the world in the modern period and onwards.
Learning Achievement
Deepening understanding about theories of comparative education ('expertise', 'use of knowledge'), discussion on given themes in each class ('communication') , comparative analysis about individual views about the given topics ('research ability', 'international aspect')
Based on the understanding about theories on Comparative Education ('expertise', 'use of knowledge'), participants conduct comparative analysis ('research ability') about, and discuss ('communication') the relationship between education and social transformation in the process of state formation in global perspective ('international aspect').
Course prerequisites
Sufficient English language proficiency in participating the classParticipation either in the 1st or the 2nd class.Minimum 8 classes participation.
Grading Philosophy
Performance in the class (40%); Homework (20%); Term paper (40%)
Course schedule
Lecture and discussion are conducted in English.OrientationPre-modern educationFormation of the modern stateEducation and global society 1Education and global society 2Modernity and education 1Modernity and education 2Presentation 1Presentation 2Reivew
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Shibata Masako
Other information
Active participation in discussion.Thorough understanding of reading materials.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university