Elasticity (Ⅰ) National Taiwan University

Course Overview
When a body is subjected to external loads, internal stress is induced in the
body and the body deforms accordingly. If the body restores its original shape
as the external loads are removed, it is called an elastic body. On the other
hand, if the loading is so large such that permanent deformation takes place,
the response of the body is inelastic. Usually engineering materials are
designed to behave in the elastic range. The objective of the course is to
discuss methods that can be used to analyze the stress and deformation of
elasitic bodies under external loading.
Learning Achievement
The students should acquire the following knowledge as the semester ends:
1. various measures to describe the deformation of a body, the physical meanings and the transformation of these measures, and compatibility condtions of strains.
2. relation between stress vector and stress tensor; equations of motion, principal stress, and maximum shearing stress.
3. hyperelastic materials and the generalized Hooke’s law, isotropic materials, and the relation between elastic constants and engineering constants.
4. formulation of elasticity problems in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems, and the principle of virtual work.
5. analysis of problems with only on independent variables, such as a spherical shell subjected to internal pressure.
6. analysis of plane strain and plane stress problems, and the airy stress function.
7. analysis of torsion problems.
8. analysis of bending problems and the Timoshenko beam theory.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Kuang Chong Wu,Pei Ling Liu
Other information
Graduate Institute of Applied Mechanics
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://www.iam.ntu.edu.tw/English/EN-homepage/homepage-Frameset.htm