Electroanalytical Methods (ELCHIM) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> UPON COMPLETION OF THE COURSE, STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: - Carry out conductivity calculations and measurements, - Analyze voltammograms and polarogramms, - Perform a titration using the "calibration curve" method orstandard additions.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Potentiometry - Nernst equation
Grading Philosophy
- 1 written exam with exercises (1 hour) - Lab reports
Course schedule
> KEYWORDS OF THE COURSE COVER: - Electrolyte - Strong/weak electrolyte - Diffusion - Migration - Faradaic/non-faradaic processes - Conductance - Conductivity - Calibration of a conductimeter - Molar conductivity - Conductimetric titration - Voltammetry - 3-electrode method - Rotating disk electrode - Polarography - Voltammetric titrations (calibration curve and standard additions)
Course type
- Seminars: 10 hours - Labs: 12 hours - Estimated self-study time: 20 hours
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 6 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching with exercises and lab sessions
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Fabrice Mauvyfabrice.mauvy@u-bordeaux.frIsabelle Mullerisabelle.muller@u-bordeaux.fr