Electromagnetism I University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This course introduces the classical theory of electromagnetism at an undergraduate level. It begins with the fundamental laws and relations governing electrostatic force, electric field and electric potential. These quantities are calculated based on a given system of charges or a given charge distribution. The course also continues with work and energy in electrostatics, electric fields in matter (the concepts of polarization and linear dielectrics), as well as electric fields due to polarized objects.
Learning Achievement
This course introduces the basic ideas of electromagnetism. The course is a prerequisite for “Electromagnetism II”.
Related to 2. Understanding ability of physical phenomena.
Course prerequisites
Linear Algebra I and II, Calculus I and II.
Grading Philosophy
Quiz + homework 40 % Midterm Exam 30 % Final Exam 30 %
Course schedule
Electrostatic Field and Gauss's LawElectrostatic Field and Gauss's LawElectrostatic Potential and Poisson's EquationElectrostatic Potential and Poisson's EquationWork and Energy in ElectrostaticsWork and Energy in ElectrostaticsConductorsConductorsLaplace's EquationLaplace's EquationThe method of imagesThe method of imagesPolarizationPolarizationThe Field of a Polarized ObjectThe Field of a Polarized ObjectThe Electric DisplacementThe Electric DisplacementLinear DielectricsLinear Dielectrics
Course type
Lectures and Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Other information
*You are encouraged to discuss with others about the contents of the course and homework, but you must work out the homework yourself. No late homework will be accepted. *Exams are conducted with no books or notes present.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university