Electronics of Devices and Circuits University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> THIS COURSE PROVIDES A GENERAL PRESENTATION OF BASIC ELECTRONICCONCEPTS. THE TOPICS CONCERN: - Recognize diodes and diode circuits such as rectifiers - Examine basic transistor principles such as biasing, operatingpoint, load line, and small signal analysis - Investigate amplifier’s quadrupole presentation bringing intoplay the input and output impedances, the transfer function and theirinteractions.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Students should master the basics of electricity: Ohm’s andKirchhoff’s law, Norton’s and Thévenin’s theorem.
Grading Philosophy
> 2 EXAMS: - 1 for the lab (4 hours) - 1 final exam (2 hours)
Course schedule
COURSE CONTENT INCLUDES: - The diode and diode circuits - The bipolar transistor: basics, operating point and load line - Transistor biasing circuits, superposition of DC and AC components - Transistor AC equivalent circuit - Stabilized amplifier and multi-stage amplifier - Output stages and power amplifier
Course type
- Theorical classes and exercises: 20 hours - Lab sessions: 16 hours - Estimated self-study time: 35 hours * Practical courses may be taken in French
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 10 weeksLanguage of instruction: English, French for lab sessionsMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching; lab practicals
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Thomas Zimmerthomas.zimmer@u-bordeaux.fr