Elementary Applied Thermodynamics University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Thermodynamics is one of most fundamental subject when biological and envieromental issues are treated. In this lecture, the elementary thermodynamics will be explained with an orientation toward an application in life and environmental science. Lecture will start the concept of equilibrium system with an example of Brownian motion. It will be followed by the first and the second law of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic function, the concept of Gibbs free energy, chemical potential. Many example will be cited from the field of Colloid and Interface Science. Those, who want to join the lecture of environmental colloid engineering are strongly recommended to join this lecture.
Learning Achievement
Students will be able to understand the concept of chemical potential which is the basis for biological and environmental science in relation to chemistry, transport phenomena and colloid and interface science.
This coursework links up with the Chemical Analysis and Environmental Chemistry:Physics and Mathematical Thinking and Analysis.
Course prerequisites
Students will be expected to have successfully completed elementary chemistry, mathematics and physics prior to enrollment in this course.
Grading Philosophy
Report and class attitude
Course schedule
Online classesIntroductionBrownian MotionBrownian MotionBrownian MotionBrownian MotionThermodynamics and Interfacial phenomenaThermodynamics and Interfacial phenomenaThermodynamics and Interfacial phenomenaThermodynamics and Interfacial phenomenaThermodynamics and Interfacial phenomena
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Adachi Yasuhisa
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university