Elliptic Curves University of Bordeaux
Course Overview
In this course lecturewe will discuss the theory of elliptic curvesand how to use them incryptography.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
> Applicants should: - Have completed, with good results, a Bachelor of science degree inMathematics or equivalent. - Have thorough proficiency in written and spoken English.
Grading Philosophy
Exams take place in December.
Course schedule
> The course will be organized as follows: - In the first part wedescribe the group structure of an ellipticcurve defined over a finite fieldand how to derive cryptographicapplications from the corresponding discretelogarithm problem. - In the second part we introduce pairings on ellipticcurves andexplain how to construct more powerful cryptographic tools withthem.> The lectures will be illustrated by programming sessions usingPari/GP.> Bibliography: - Steven Galbraith, Mathematics ofPublic Key Cryptography, CambridgeUniversity Press (2012), in particular PartsII and V. - Andreas Enge, Elliptic curves and their applications tocryptography (an introduction), Springer, 1999.
Course type
> Lectures and programming sessions: - 48 course hours. - 120 hours of personal study.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- This course is part of the ALGANT Joint Master Program. - For further information on the program structure, partnerinstitutions, scholarship opportunities, etc., please visit: ALGANTErasmus Mundus. [http://algant.eu/]Duration: Fall SemesterLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Guilhem Castagnos guilhem.castagnos@u-bordeaux.frDamien Robertdamien.robert@u-bordeaux.frGilles Zemorgilles.zemor@u-bordeaux.fr