Éloquence anglaise S6 – le débat en anglais en contexte international University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course gives students the opportunity to work on their English ina multi-disciplinary way through practical work including oralinteraction, public speaking and elocution in an internationalcontext. It will be beneficial to students who will be lecturing inEnglish or working in English-speaking countries.In S6, the studentswill explore the art of the oratory to better reach, engage andconvince an audience, to influence and persuade others throughwell-structured arguments, striking examples, impactful rebuttals andeffective delivery. Learning objectives: - Structuring an argumentative speech (with the aim of persuadingandconvincing), - Developing an exordium (the introduction to anargumentative speech) - Using storytelling to persuade andconvince - Putting forward arguments in English - Refutingcounter-arguments by anticipation in English - Developing aperoration (the conclusion of an argumentative speech). - Being ableto formulate a well-argued review in writing about a debate inEnglish, considering the (inter)cultural context - Rhetoricalskills - Reproduces the codes of debate in the English-speakingworld. - Intercultural skills (interaction, exchange, consideringdifferent opinions and cultures). - Including current affairs in aspeech, in a debate. - Knowing how to use humour appropriately in aspeech. - Paraverbal skills: voice, breath, intonation, pauses,rhythm, emphasis of key words. - Non-verbal communication skills:co-speech gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, posture, spacemanagement.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Level of English: B2 or above
Grading Philosophy
- Involvement (1/3 of total mark) - Written review of a debate in the English-speaking world or withinternational implications (1/3 of total mark) - Structured debate in pairs on a constrained topic (oral productionin interaction, 20 minutes). (1/3 of total mark)
Course schedule
This course, in the form of practical workshops, will cover thefollowing points: - The basics of effective non-verbal communication - The basicstructure of a convincing and persuasive speech (exordium,storytelling, presentation of arguments, refutation ofcounter-arguments, peroration). - How to use humour in a publicspeech - How to subtly insert a motto or slogan into a speech -Figures of speech and how they can be used in speeches. Individualfeedback will be given to students throughout the course
Course type
Workshops, projects.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Maximum number of students: 24 - Selection procedure: a cover letter and/or an interview may berequested. Duration: 15h in class and 60h of self-studyLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Blended learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jeni PEAKEjeni.peake@u-bordeaux.frFlorian RECHE (coordinator)florian.reche@u-bordeaux.frJessica CHABANAISjessica.chabanais@u-bordeaux.fr