Embedded System Design Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Course Overview
The course will focus on system-design issues and include a large section on hardware/software co-design. Topics covered include embedded system design challenge and metrics; processor and IC technologies; software and hardware architectures for Embedded System Design (ESD); design flow and tools; the design of standard peripherals, microcontrollers, single-purpose and general-purpose processors; basic concepts of interfacing and communication protocols in ESD.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Quiz, Assignment, Test, Final Examination
Course schedule
Course type
Lectures (14 hours)
Online Course Requirement
Prof. Dr. Koichiro Mashiko
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Koichiro Mashiko
Email address: mailto: kmashiko@utm.my