EMU : issues and challenges University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course aims at providing a global perspective and understandingof the European Monetary Union (EMU) project and its implementation(including the eurozone crisis). A macroeconomic overview of the maindimensions of EMU is also developed.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Basic knowledge of notions covering European Economics and/or EuropeanIntegration process Intermediate knowledge of the main principles ofmacroeconomic analysis.
Grading Philosophy
Final examination : Written (1h30)
Course schedule
The course will address three main topics that group many of thedimensions of EMU current challenges. Each of those items will bediscussed with respect to relevant articles or other references: 1- The project of EMU: motivations and initial challenges(asymmetries and adjustments) 2- The Eurozone crisis (origins, development andinstitutional answers)3- The policy governance of EMU: the ECB and the single monetarypolicy; the Stability Pact and the coordination of national fiscalpolicies.
Course type
Lecture course
Online Course Requirement
Other information
REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY : - De Grauwe P. [2015], The Economics of Monetary Union, Oxford U.P.(10th ed.). Baldwin R., Wyplosz C. [2012], The Economics of EuropeanIntegration,McGraw-Hill (4th ed.). KEY WORDS :European Monetary Union ; euro ; eurozone crisis ; monetarypolicy ; fiscal policyDuration: 17.5 hoursLanguage of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Marc-Alexandre SENEGASmarc-alexandre.senegas@u-bordeaux.frPascal KAUFFMANN (coordinator)