Energy, Information, Communication (Materials for Energy and Organic Electronics) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> Knowledge and stakes associated to fuel cells, energy storage,battery materials, materials for organic electronics, etc. concerning: - Thermodynamical and electrochemical properties. - Materials (solid state and molecular chemistry, material science). - Current technological locks.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Academic level: BSc / Master 1. - Language prerequisites: English.
Grading Philosophy
- Closed-book final exam (1 hour and a half, 0,67 coeff.). - Project oral defence (30 minutes, 0,33 coeff.).
Course schedule
_>__ GENERAL PRESENTATION AND TUTORED PROJECT (7 LECTURES)_Students form groups and work on the building of a system based onorganic and inorganic materials, such as a computer (storage,energy, display, processing, input/output and communication systems). Fuel cells (4 lectures) - Fundamentals of fuel cells - Materials for PEMFC - Water management in PEMFC - Materials for SOFC - Limiting factors in the development of fuel cells - Recent industrial developments of fuel cells_> BATTERIES: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE (4 LECTURES)__> HYDROGEN (4 LECTURES)_ - Production - Classical production (steam reforming etc.) - New production modes (algae, electrolysis,etc.) - Direct and indirect uses - Storage - Gases - Liquids - Solids - Recent trends > _ORGANIC ELECTRONICS (19 LECTURES_)1.Introduction, overview - Examples of applications of polymer-based electronic devices - General features of conjugated polymers - Operating principles of a LED2. Electronic Structure - Molecular structure / electronic properties relationships ofconjugated polymers : orbital treatment - Polymers doping and electrical conduction 3.Interaction of conjugated polymers with light - Non-linear polarization phenomena - Optical excitations4. Charge transport in conjugated polymers - Charges movement mecanisms - Analysis methods at various scales5. Structure of conjugated polymers in the solid state - Molecular conformation, local order - Morphology6. Synthesis and design - Main synthesis methods of conjugated polymers - Impact of synthetic tools on electronic properties7. Applications and devices principles
Course type
- Lectures projects and exercise sessions: 51 hours total. - 105 Self-study hours (50 hours private reading, 25 hours exam preparation, 30 hours project preparation).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
> The teaching team is constitued of Georges Habziioannou andLean-Louis Bobet> Bibliography: - Techniques de l'ingénieur, ¨Piles à combustible, Ph. STEVENS etal, D3 340-1 D3 340-28 - Electrochimie des solides, Ch. DESPORTES et al, ed. PUG - La pile à combustible: structure fonctionnement application,M.Boudellal, L'Usine nouvelle, Dunod - Polymer Electronics, M. GEOGHEGAN, G; HADZIIOANNOU, OxfordUniversity Press, ISBN 978-0-19-953383-1 (2013).> This course is part of the Erasmus Mundus Master FAME (FunctionalAdvanced Materials Engineering)_ a_nd the EIT-labelled Master AMIS(AdvancedMaterials for Innovation and Sustainability).Duration: 8 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Georges Habziioannou Jean-Louis Bobet Corinne Jalibert Dany