Engineering Drawing with CAD Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Course Overview
The successful completion of this class will provide you the opportunity to develop significant depth of understanding and skill in using AutoCAD. These CAD related business, such as in engineering skills are the core CAD skills needed for employment in a design, manufacturing, architectural, construction, utilities, and others. In this topic, students will learn how to draw engineering drawings geometrical drawing, orthographic projection, isometric projection etc. At the end, using AUTOCAD for students ar e required to do a project using the AutoCAD.
Learning Achievement
1. Able to brief the knowledge of drawing concept using CAD. 2. Able to draw all objects on the draw toolbar, set up dimension styles, use specifies both absolute and relative coordinates in both Cartesian and polar coordinate systems, and print out on any size of paper using computer. 3. Able to convey ideas clearly and effectively in project drawing professionally. 4. Able to seek and apply additional knowledge from various sources to complete the final design project.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Lab, Test, Assignment, Project
Course schedule
Course type
Laboratory / Studio / Project/ Fieldwork (28 to 40 hours)
Online Course Requirement
Dr. Lee Kee Quen, Dr Shahir Yasin
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dr Lee Kee Quen
Email address: