Environmental biotechnology National Taiwan University

Course Overview
The objective of this course is to explore the applications of biotechnology in environmental monitoring, environmental risk assessment, and remediation. The contents will cover microbial metabolic reactions, biodegradation of pollutants, and engineering applications in water, soil, and groundwater treatments.
Learning Achievement
1. Basics of microbial metabolism and ecology 2. Microbial degradation kinetics 3. Aerobic and anaerobic transformation 4. Biofilms 5. Bioremediation (soil and groundwater) 6. Phytoremediation 7. Biotechnology in wastewater treatment (aerobic and anaerobic) 8. Bioenergy recovery (from waste to energy) 9. Biotechnology in water treatment
Course prerequisites
Environmental microbiology
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Hsin-Shin Tung
Other information
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://enve.ntu.edu.tw/dispPageBox/giee/GieeENHP.aspx?ddsPageID=GIEEEN