Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Course Overview
This course to provide wide-ranging training in environmental microbiology, applicable both to students with previous knowledge of a relevant subject and to those with little background in environmental microbiology. We aim to provide students with theoretical knowledge, practical skills and an appreciation of the application of the subject. We also develop students' communication and generic skills. ‘Environmental Microbiology is the study of microorganisms that inhabit the earth and their roles in carrying out processes in both natural and human-made systems’. In this subject there is much emphasis on interfaces between environmental sciences and microbial ecology. An environmental microbiologist thus needs a good grounding in basic microbiology and molecular biology, but this must be combined with knowledge of environmental science.
Learning Achievement
1. State and apply the application of microbial reactions like aerobic treatment of organic wastes and wastewater. 2. State and apply the application of microbial reactions like aerobic treatment of anaerobic treatments 3. Derive and analyze microbial interaction between microbes, interaction of microbes with plants 4. State and apply positive role of microbes in environmental, degradation such as conversion solid waste to food, and negative roles of microbes in environment biodeterioration of paper 5. Adopt teamwork to configure and solve problems in applied and environmental microbiology 6. Assume responsibility as leader to configure and solve problems in applied and environmental microbiology.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Quiz, Assignment, Test, Final Examination
Course schedule
Course type
Lectures (14 hours)
Online Course Requirement
Dr. Roshafima Rasit Ali
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dr. Roshafima Rasit Ali
Email address: mailto:roshafima@utm.my