European economic integration University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course helps to understand the economic integration process inEurope, from the formation of a Free Trade Area to the creation ofaMonetary Union. It provides analytical as well as empirical tools toaddress this process and the issues that are associated with it.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
L2 : Undergraduate courses in Microeconomics ; Macroeconomics ;Monetary Economics.
Grading Philosophy
Ongoing assessment
Course schedule
- Chapter 1 - Introduction : Economic integration and the EuropeanUnion - Chapter 2 : Economic Governance : European institutions and theEuropean Budget - Chapter 3 : The European Customs Union and European trade policy - Chapter 4/5 : From the Single Market to European Monetary Union At the end of this course, students should be familiar with the mainstages of the European economic integration process and the issuesthat each of them has brought about. Students should also be abletoaddress the main economic implications of the integration process aswell as the benefits and constraints it has entailed for theMembercountries and the European Union as a whole. They should befamiliar with the main indicators used to measure the differentaspects of the integration process (trade and financial integrationessentially).
Course type
Lecture course
Online Course Requirement
Other information
REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY : - Baldwin R., Wyplosz C. [2012], The Economics of EuropeanIntegration, McGraw-Hill (4th ed.). - De Grauwe P. [2015], TheEconomics of Monetary Union, Oxford U.P. (10th ed.). - Robson, P.[1998], The Economics of International Integration, Routledge. KEYWORDS : International economic integration; European Union ; Europeanpolicies ; customs unions ; single market ; EMU. Duration: 17.5 hoursLanguage of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Pr. Pascal Marc-Alexandre SENEGAS