Course Jukebox

Course Jukebox

Course Detail

Standard Academic Year
Course delivery methods
Medicine & dentistry
Medical School (FM)
São Paulo, Pinheiros campus
Course Offering Year
Course Offering Month
January - January
Weekday and Period
Course Number

Evidence-Basead Medicine: Scientific Principles and Applicability in Research University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview

The current discipline is organized in order to provide information for the researcher and the future professor for the establishment of the frontier of medical knowledge and substantiate questions, which if answered within the appropriate methodology, will motivate the scientific progress. With the easy access to the medical literature through the internet and the profusion of medical journals, update in medicine had become increasingly difficult, especially regarding the selection of the most reliable and papers with greatest impact in the clinical and surgical management of patients with gastroenterological conditions. Using epidemiology and the concepts of evidence-based medicine, it is possible to evaluate the methodological quality of the research, the cynical relevance, and the applicability of its conclusions in clinical-surgical practice. It is also possible to search for the research that provides the best answer(s) to the formulated question. On the other hand, applying "best evidence" in daily medical practice requires the comparison with the practical experience obtained over the years. Thus, the ideal is the development of concepts in evidence-based medicine in gastroenterology and the comparison with the clinical experience acquired in the Discipline of Digestive Surgery - FMUSP.

Learning Achievement

To define evidence-based medicine, its functions and limitations. - To access the medical literature and how to look for the best evidence in the medical literature, in clinical and surgical gastroenterology. - To evaluate the impact of scientific research in the management of patients with gastroenterological conditions. - To evaluate the minimum prerequisites to develop a clinical research project in clinical and surgical gastroenterology. - To evaluate Meta-analyzes on clinical and surgical gastroenterology topics.


Course prerequisites

Grading Philosophy

The evaluation will be done by each professor´s criteria: participation grade and/or a written essay to evaluate the understanding of the content immediately after the end of each module. The average of these assessments will be the final mark awarded by the Discipline. Updated articles from the international medical literature will be provided.

Course schedule

What is and what is not Evidence Based Medicine, history, fundamentals, methods and objectives. • Critical analysis on the limits of the contribution of evidence-based medicine method. • Types of Epidemiological Studies • Basic Concepts in Biostatistics: Measures of Association: Odds Ratio, Relative Risk, Likelihood Ratio, etc ... • Practical Application of Association Measures • Basic Concepts in Biostatistics: Confidence Interval. Type I error, Type II error. • Practical Application of Concepts: Confidence Interval, Type I error, Type II error. • How to access Medical Literature and How to look for the "best evidence" in Medical Literature • Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis • Main statistical tests used. How to select the test? What are the most common mistakes? • Use of Evidence Based Medicine in the adoption of new health technologies. The accreditation of new technologies in the public health system (SUS).

Course type

Online Course Requirement


Fauze Maluf Filho, Paulo Herman, Moacyr Roberto Cuce Nobre

Other information

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