Experimental Chemistry University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This class is an experimental approach of the various domainsoforganic, inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry. It isdividedinto 4 practical sessions of organic and organometallic(transitionmetals) chemistry and 2 practical sessions of inorganicchemistryand 7 practical sessions of physical chemistry (4electrochemistryand 3 optical spectroscopy).
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma.
Grading Philosophy
Continuous control (100 % weight of overall mark).
Course schedule
ORGANIC, COORDINATION AND ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY 1– Organic synthesis: Wittig reaction 2– Organic synthesis: NaBH4 reduction of Ketones 3 – Catalysis: Sonogashira C-C coupling reaction Catalysis: Synthesis of a polyoxometalate (POM) catalyst andits use inthe oxidation of sulfides with H2O2, in a biphasicmedium.INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 – Zinc smelting 2 –Winkler titration of dissolved O2 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Electrochemistry : 1– Ion selective electrodes (detection of fluoride ions) 2– Conductivity (titration of acetic acid in vinegar) 3– Coulometry, Karl-Fisher (water titration) 4– Intensity-Potential curve (rotating disc electrode)OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY:1– UV-visible absorption spectroscopy 2– Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy in Transmission and Reflection 3– Fluorescence spectroscopy
Course type
- Practical session, 4h00 - Except for electrochemistry, 3h00.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
All practical sessions will be taught in EnglishDuration: 12 weeksLanguage of instruction: Laboratory class in English. Mode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Dr Sylvain Nlate (organic chemistry)sylvain.nlate@u-bordeaux.fr Philippe Goyer (electrochemistry) philippe.goyer@u-bordeaux.frDr Nathalie Bertrand (inorganic chemistry) bertrand@lcts.u-bordeaux.frSébastien Bonhommeau (optical spectroscopy)sebastien.bonhommeau@u-bordeaux.fr