Experimental Chemistry 3 University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This class is divided in three practical courses: Analyticalchemistry, inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma.
Grading Philosophy
- First session: continuous grading. - In case of failure, a secondsession is organized for the final exam. - 60% weight overall markis reported from the first session, 40% weight overall mark iseither a written exam (1 hour) or an oral session depending on thenumber of failed students. - This 2nd session takes place at theend of June.
Course schedule
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY: - Analysis of phtalate by high performance liquid chromatography - Gas chromatography - Determination of anions in toothpaste or in drinking water by ionchromatography. - Structure determination by mass spectrometry INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : - Elaboration and determination of the composition of a neodymiumdoped glass: x B2O3, y Li2O, z Nd2O3 - Extraction of magnesia by selective precipitation - Study of a non-stoichiometric compound: perovskite SrFeO3-x - Oxybromide of lanthane: LaOBr PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY: - Study of glucose isomerization by polarimetry - Study of the kinetics of a reaction by UV-visible spectroscopy - Study of the conductivity of aqueous solutions - Determination of enthalpies of dissolution and displacement ofequilibrium
Course type
Practical sessions (12 x 4 hours).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
* Main lectures are taught in French but all written supports areavailable in English (lectures, exercises, manuals, exams, writtentexts). Exams may be passed in English. Duration: 14 weeksLanguage of instruction: * English and FrenchMode of delivery: Practical sessions
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Bénédicte Morin benedicte.morin@u-bordeaux.frSophie Delair sophie.delair@u-bordeaux.frRenal Backovrenal.backov@u-bordeaux.fr