Experimental Chemistry (CE- S2) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The class is a first experimental approach of the various domains oforganic and inorganic chemistry. It is devided into 6 practicalsessions of organic chemistry and 6 practical session of inorganicchemistry.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma.
Grading Philosophy
- Continuous assessment: 100 % weight of overall mark. - Incase of failure, the continuous exam mark will be reported (60 %weight of overall mark) and a second session will be organized (40%weight of overall mark), either as a written final exam or an oralsession depending on the number of failed students. - This 2nd session will take place at the end of June.
Course schedule
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY> Liquid/Liquid extraction: obtaining acrude product - The aim of this experiment is to obtain a raw organic product(liquid or solid) from a liquid reactional mixture.> Purification of a liquid organic product: distillation - The aim of this experiment is to obtain a pure organic product(liquid) from a raw product (separation of a mixture of severalproducts with different boiling points).> Thin layer and column Chromatography - The aim of this experiment is to separate the coloring agents of agreen dye by a qualitative technic, the thin layer chromatography andaquantitative technic, the column chromatography.> Dibenzalacetone synthesis: purification by recrystallisation - The aim of this experiment is to synthesize a solid organic product– the dibenzalacetone – then purify it by the recrystallizationmethod.> Addition of halogens to alkenes: bromination of trans-stilbene - The aim of this experiment is to perform the brominationoftrans-stilbene with bromide generated in-situ.> Electrophilic aromatic substitution: 4-methyl benzophenone synthesis - The aim of this experiment is to perform the acylation reaction oftoluene with benzoyl chloride (Friedel and Craftsreaction).INORGANIC CHEMISTRY> Study of materials crystalline structures, case of pure chemicalelements - The aim of this experiment is to visualize and study various simplecrystal structures of materials. This will be done using CaRIne, adedicated software.> Study of the aluminum oxide: structure and density measurement - The aim of this experiment is to discover a material widely used,the aluminum oxide, through its crystallographic structure togetherwith density measuremens.> Relation between materials structure and properties, an illustration - The aim of this experiment is to illustrate the correlation betweenthe organization of the materials at the atomic scale and theirproperties with a piezo-chromic material.> Study of liquid – solid binary diagrams - The aim of this experiment is to predict the nature of the phasesin presence, for a binary mixture, at a given temperature andcomposition.> Study of X-ray diffraction (XRD) diagrams - The aim of this experiment is to have a first illustration of thepotential of using XRD in the field of inorganic chemistry.> BaTiO3 sol gel synthesis - The aim of this experiment isto illustrate the interest of usingsoft chemistry and more particularly solgel chemistry for synthesizingmetal oxides.
Course type
Practical sessions: 16 x 4 hours.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
All practical session will be taught in English.Duration: 14 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Laboratory Class
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Gilles Sèbe gilles.sebe@u-bordeaux.frGilles Philippotgilles.philippot@u-bordeaux.fr