Experimental Chemistry (CE- S3) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course is a first experimental approach of the various domains oforganic, inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry. It is dividedinto 4 practical sessions of organic chemistry and 2 practicalsessions of inorganic chemistry and 6 practical sessions of physicalchemistry.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma.
Grading Philosophy
- Continuous assessment: 100 % weight of overall mark. - Incase of failure, the continuous exam mark will be reported (60 %weight of overall mark) and a second session will be organized (40%weight of overall mark), either as a written final exam or an oralsession depending on the number of failed students. - This 2nd session will take place at the end of June.
Course schedule
> ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - Nucleophilic Substitution: Synthesis of Tertiary Amyl Chloride - Reaction of Biginelli organocatalyzed under microwaveactivation - Reaction of esterification - Reduction of a ketone: reduction of ethyl acetoacetate with sodiumborohydride > INORGANIC CHEMISTRY - Polymers: Identification of a polymer; Synthesis of Polyamide 11(or Nylon 11) by molten phasen polycondensation; study of acryliccements for joint protheses - Synthesis and structural characterization of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 > PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY - Evolution of the chemical equilibrium with temperature - Ideal Gas - Evaporation of liquid Nitrogen with a solid object - Thermal Capacity and evaporation of different liquids - Thermal characteristics of a heating pad - Chemical Kinetics
Course type
Practical sessions: 12 x 4 hours.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
All practical session will be taught in English.Duration: 12 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Maillé Laurence laurence.maille@u-bordeaux.fr Deleuze Hervéherve.deleuze@u-bordeaux.frBaron Alexandre alexandre.baron@u-bordeaux.fr