Exploring Taiwan: Women and Taiwanese Society National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Since the emergence of the feminist movement in Taiwan by the 1970s, Taiwanese society has seen more than a few women's issues proposed and discussed in an increasingly broad and extensive manner. Reflecting the changes in socio-politics and cultural conditions, the general perspectives in which the same issue is discussed also changes. In this course we explore Taiwanese women's conditions of the twentieth century, with an emphasis on the more modern period, that is, the mid-to-late twentieth century. With a brief introduction of what Taiwanese women's traditions may involve and how Taiwanese women modernize, we explore how the feminist movements unfolded, how they reflect or change Taiwanese women's social status, the rise of women's studies and/or feminist scholarship, sexual violence, sex work, and lesbian issues. We also reflect on issues of migration and global human flow, and discuss how the introduction of immigrant spouses as well as migrant workers may compel us to rethink women's issues in contemporary Taiwan.
Learning Achievement
This is an all-English course of the general education level, in which we engage social studies on women's issues in Taiwan. On such premises, this course is meant to channel through various topics regarding women in Taiwan with a critical approach; this course is also meant to introduce those topics intellectually to international students who may have arrived in Taiwan, with limited information of the social history and general conditions of Taiwanese women. This course is aimed to help students establish an understanding of fundamental and crucial social issues regarding Taiwanese women within one semester. Through the lecture and film appreciation, this course is meant to inspire the students to apply the knowledge outside of the classroom, to pay more attention to everyday life, and to find more relevance as well as connection in daily experiences.
Course prerequisites
This course expects the student to read the required references on weekly basis. Each week before class, the student needs to prepare with assigned readings for in-class discussions. After class, the student may explore personal thinking practices, further readings, and/or multimedia appreciation. Reading materials may be used as a subject of observations and reflections for the final paper.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Kuo Jen-Feng
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://cge.ntu.edu.tw/?lang=en