Financial Management National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This course is designed to provide a framework for understanding the theories and practices of financial management. The emphasis will be on applying fundamental financial problem solving techniques toward achieving solutions to basic, real world, practical situations. The focus of this class will be on discussing firm's investment, financing, and dividend policies, along with subjects related to corporate valuation.
Learning Achievement
This course is designed to provide a framework for understanding the theories and practices of financial management. The emphasis will be on applying fundamental financial problem solving techniques toward achieving solutions to basic, real world, practical situations. The focus of this class will be on discussing firm's investment, financing, and dividend policies, along with subjects related to corporate valuation.
Course prerequisites
The grading of this course will depend on class participation (20%), case report (30%), and mid-term/final exams (25% each). The case report is group-based. Each group has three to four people. Please submit your group member list on the CEIBA Group Discussion Forum by 2/29. There are four cases (extra fees required). For each case, there will be questions provided beforehand. Each group has to write a maximum two-page text and submit it at the assignment area of the CEIBA website according to the deadline posted. You can also choose to supplement your grades by pre-committing homework (MINICASE on Ch. 6, 8, and 10) submitted on CEIBA.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
(College of Management Global Mba
Online Course Requirement
Yen-Cheng Chang
Other information
*Registration eligibility: students in GMBA program.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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