Food supplements: Physiological and Medical Approaches University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
- To understand the differences between drugs and food-supplementsand know about the Nutrivigilance system. - regulation To see how medical doctors and food supplementsuppliers consider 4 applications for ageing - To learn the mechanisms of herb-drug interactions.To discover andanalyse some cases.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Academic level: French bachelor or Graduation. Under-graduatedstudents can follow the course if they have 5 years of professionalexperience in the food-supplement area - Language: French as mother language or English (minimum TOEFL scoreof 550/213/79-80 or minimum IELTS score of 6.0). - Computer and internet are required
Grading Philosophy
Assessment methods is: - Assessment is based on the analysis of 2 scientific publications
Course schedule
- The course on Food supplement: physiological and medicalapproaches, shows where are located food supplements beside drugs. Itis organized in 4 units with 12 hours of lectures each._ - Quality and safety of food supplements__ - Food supplements for well-being applications__ - Food supplements for ageing prevention__ - Iatrogenic effects of food supplements_ - Lectures are recorded to be followed by all distance learners - Each lecture has its quiz with solutions for self-assessment - Food supplement regulations and opinions (European, French...) onspecific plants with health benefits are provided - Links to specific websites of interest are provided - Glossaries are proposed for knowledge refreshment - All resources can be downloaded - A data base on herb-drug interactions is proposed - The assessment is proposed on scientific publication analysis - Communication between students is organized with specific forum,wiki and chats.
Course type
Lectures, Document analyses, glossaries, forum and chats. - The teaching mixes classroom lectures for Bordeaux students, recorded and distance work. The course can be followed completely in distance learning and has been designed for that purpose. - The course includes 4 teaching units each counting 12 hours of lecture. Quizzes are proposed for self-assessment. Analysis of scientific publications can be included in the evaluation. - _80 hours in total = 4 ECTS_ - _48 hours lectures and 12 hours on quizzes = 2 ECTS_ - _20 hours private work on publications assessment = 2 ECTS_
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Maximum 30 French and English students (*maximum 60 students if theanalysis of scientific publications is not included) - Selection upon achievements, grades, cover and recommendationletters - Selection criteria: essentially motivation and initial level - Selection criteria: sufficient back-ground based on either academicperformances or professional experiences - Satisfaction inquiries are proposed at the end of each lectureunits and at the end of the course to allow a continuous improvement.Duration: 48 hours of lectures and a total of 80 hours of work including 32 hours of personal work Language of instruction: French or English upon choiceMode of delivery: The teaching mixes classroom lectures for Bordeaux students, recorded and distance work.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Catherine