Frontiers in Epigenomics National Taiwan University
Course Overview
Around half of the classes for this semester would be lecture based, while the other half will be in journal club format as well as "Author-reviewer role playing format". We will select the most updated literature with significant breakthroughs in different layers of epigenomic regulatory machineries. These includes the studies on how DNA methylation, chromatin modification and remodeling, functional non-coding RNA machineries that coordinately regulate epigenetic landscape and this gene expression pattern and cell fate. We will also discuss wet bench experimental design and bioinformatic analytical tools for analyzing and consolidating DNA methylome, transcriptome, small RNA analysis, lincRNA and native elongating RNA-seq and Chromatin-ImmunoPrecipitation (ChIP)-seq, ChIRP (Chromatin Isolation by RNA purification) and RNA-IP-seq datasets. Contents of most recent international conferences, sometimes including unpublished data, will also be discussed. We will also periodically invite local and international experts to join our course. One week before their seminar, we will discuss their published research article to help students prepared for the actual interaction with world experts in the field.
Learning Achievement
Students will be able to acquire the most up to date information in the developing Epigenomics field. Through discussing and critically evaluating most recent publications and international conference presentations, the students will also establish the ability to judge original research work and argue their points with scientific evidences.
Course prerequisites
Already taken one of the following topics (or similar ones to be judged by the instructor): Epigenetics, Frontiers in Epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, Epigenetics in germ cells and stem cells, Cellular reprogramming, Frontiers in functional non-coding RNAs or Epigenomics.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
(College of Bioresources and Agriculture) Institute of Biotechnology
Online Course Requirement
Other information
*Registration eligibility: graduate students.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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