Functional Magnetic Resonance as Neuroimaging Technique University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as neuroimaging modality has undergone major advances in recent decades. Several techniques has expanded the application areas of MRI, such as functional imaging, spectroscopy, angiography, among others techniques. The speed of this progress and its multidisciplinary character leads to a superficial overview of the use and understanding of fMRI. Therefore, an extensive discussion of this technique is important to provide a better understanding of the results in the study of biological systems, in particular due to the possibility to study the brain in a completely non-invasive way.
Learning Achievement
The discipline aims to give a detailed view of the methodological aspects and recent applications of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI).
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
P = Written Exam and/or S = Seminar
Course schedule
1. Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2. Contrast mechanisms in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 3. BOLD contrast. 4. Temporal and spatial properties of fMRI. 5. fMRI pre-processing. 6. Experimental design in fMRI. 7. Statistical analysis in fMRI. 8. fMRI applications in neuroscience.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Carlos Ernesto Garrido Salmon, Renata Ferranti Leoni
Other information
Site for Inquiry
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