Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Chemical substances are existed around and within us everyday and everywhere. We will provide the students inorganic, physicochemical, and organic chemical property of them through the experiments. The students should be able to 1) separate, isolate, and identify chemical substances, 2) learn physicochemical property of them by analytical equipment, 3) know how to use labware and analytical equipment
Learning Achievement
Students grasp a consept of reaction rate and equilibrium through inorganic, physicochemical, and organic experiments. In addition, students master chemical properties of chemical substances through separation, isolation, and molecular elucidation techniques.
This coursework links up with the academic goal "acquiring incremental expertise in various uses of agrobiological resources and the ability to utilize them in society".
Course prerequisites
Students will be expected to have successfully completed ChemistryI, II, and III prior to enrollment in this course.
Grading Philosophy
Students should attend in an all day as far as there is not a special reason and submit a report for each experiments. Furthermore, it is Attendance (40%) and Report (60%).
Course schedule
Precautions and Basic techniques in laboratory Fractional crystallization of salt and determination of unknown concentration pHMolecular models Measurement of homogenous primary reaction rate Organic synthetic experimentMeasurement of molecular weight
Course type
Training/Lab Experiments/Practical Application
Online Course Requirement
Yamada Kosumi,Shigemori Hideyuki,Kashiwabara Shin-ichi,Ishida Junji,Ogawa Kazuyoshi,Nakagawa-Izumi Akiko,Nomura Nakao,Yang Yingnan,Nagumo Yoko,Masuo Shunsuke,Miyamae Yusaku
Other information
"IMPORTANT" Orientation meeting (G30 course): October 7 (Fri), 2022 (room #, TBA) Students must not be late in the laboratory and keep the announced deadline of the report without fail.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university