Fundamentals of Law II University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Continuous assessment is carried out with an assignment based on thecontent of the course with at least two separate grades. One of thesegrades is based on an individual assignment. Grades may be based onseveral types of tasks (homework, group work, final exam,presentation, etc.) determined by the professor. No resits are allowedin continuous assessment.
Course schedule
During this course, students should acquire real and practicalknowledge about: - The importance and the impact of law in their professionalcareers; - The relevance of legal risk management, including theidentification of legal issues, the assessment of their nature andimpact and the best professional approach for dealing with such legalissues; - The basic rules governing the legal profession in a local andinternational context, the implications and main criteria for theproper selection and management of lawyers, the essential legalconcepts that govern the world and enable the completion of economictransactions, in particular, legal entity concepts and the limitationof liability concept; - The main corporate governance and transparency rules in theinternational world of today and the implications of not complyingwith current standards; - The existence and features of the different legal systemsprevailing in the international world of today, their impact on locallegislations and the most commons problems and solutions in thecontext of cross border transactions; - The implications of current interactions with Anglo-Saxon Case LawSystem and the Continental Civil Law System; - How to deal with legal documents supporting business dealsincluding analyzing, drafting and wording of different legal documentsrelated to corporate deals.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 15 hoursLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: International Relations