General Biology I University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
分子細胞生物学の教科書を参照しながらオムニバス形式で講義を行う。分子細胞生物学の基礎的な知識に関して復習しながら、先端的な研究の実例も交えて生物学の幅広い知識を得る。Nature、Science、Current Biology、PNASなどで報告される最先端の研究成果に関して、専門分野以外の論文でも読みこなせるだけの素養を身に付ける。
Learning Achievement
Lectures will be given in omnibus format with reference to textbooks on molecular and cellular biology. While reviewing basic knowledge of molecular and cellular biology, broad knowledge of biology with examples of advanced research will be acquired. Students will acquire the ability to read the latest research results reported in Nature, Science, Current Biology, PNAS, etc., even in papers outside their specialized fields.The main goal is to understand the content of textbook, “Molecular Biology of the Cell”. In addition, the purpose of the lesson is to develop the current status of research and problem-solving abilities by conducting lessons including the latest information including current problems and research development.
General competence:Utilization of knowledgeCompetence for Program in Biology:Knowledge of natural scienceKnowledge of biology
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Students are evaluated, according to their understanding, summarization, and presentation of the contents of the papers.
Course schedule
DNA, Chromosomes Genomes How cells read the genomes From DNA to protein Control of gene expression Manipulating proteins Manipulating DNA and RNA Visualizing cells Membrane structure Membrane structure Electrical properties of membranes Intracellular compartments Protein sorting Intracellular vesicular traffic Summary of the first halfEnergy conversion: mitochondria Energy conversion: chloroplasts Mechanisms of cell communication The cytoskeleton The cell cycle Apoptosis Cell junction and cell adhesion Extracellular matrix Cancer (1) Cancer (2) Development of multicellular organisms (1) Development of multicellular organisms (2) Pathogens and infection Innate immunity Summary of the second half
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Ishikawa Kaori,HAYASHI YOSHIKI,Suzaki Takuya,Maruo Fumiaki,Ono Michiyuki,Inaba Kazuo,Chiba Chikafumi,Chiba Tomoki,kuwayama hidekazu,Nakada Kazuto,Nakano Kentaro,Tsuruta Fuminori,Miura Kenji,Yaguchi Shunsuke,Sakurai Keisuke,HAYASHI MAKOTO,okamoto naoki,Hirakawa Yoshihisa,shimada yuko
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university