Genetics University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> Learning objectives and outcomes: - A broad knowledge of genetic principles and different methods ofgenetic analysis. - An appreciation of how genetic principles and experimentation maybe used to understand the biology of diverse organisms (examples aretaken among animals, plants, yeast, etc). - Capacity to apply appropriate methods in genetics to solve problemsin biology. - Capacity for scientific reasoning and problem solving. - Capacity in the analysis and interpretation of data derived fromdirect experimentation and from the literature relevant to a topic ingenetics.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- High-school diploma. - B1 level in English. - Knowledge of the principles of biology. - Basic knowledge of genetics.
Grading Philosophy
- Summative assessment (all semester long). - Formative assessment (final exam to be defined).
Course schedule
- Understanding the basics of genetic variation, alleles, genes - Mutagenesis effect - From genotype to phenotype - Gene inheritance in eukaryotes and prokaryotes - Genetic determinism, gene mapping - From individual to population geneticsAn interactive and self-directed learning approach is used withnumerous practical examples.
Course type
> Lectures, small group projects - 9 hours distance-based courses (lectures). - 24 hours flipped classroom, collaborative activities. - 16 hours practical (wet lab). - 132 hours self-study, flipped classroom preparation, small group work preparation, summative and formative assessment preparation.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- 32 students per group for integrated courses and 16 students pergroup for practical - Selection procedure will be based on level of English and academiccriteria - For more information, please consult this webpage[] (contentin French).Duration: One semesterLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: in-class, tutorials, practicals, flipped classroom; E-learning: online course
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Valérie Schurdi-Levraudvalerie.schurdi-levraud@u-bordeaux.frSophie