Geography of Brazil´s Natural Resources University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview
The concept of natural resources remains vague and loose. Thus, there is a tenuous limit between what is still natural resource and what is already transformed by mankind to some extent. I the same way, a mere classification of renewable and exhaustible resources is insufficient to promote a satisfactory comprehension about this subject. Hence, before analysing natural resources themselves, it is necessary to undertake a conceptual revision that strengthens the accuracy of definitions towards their empirical correspondent objects
Learning Achievement
- Mature the conceptual background about natural resources under a geographical perspective through which social and natural dimensions merge. - Comprehend the complex relationship between natural resources and human development. - Develop analysis skills by building links between conceptual background and Brazil´s natural resources.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
All demanded activities during the course will be assessed. The final mark will be composed by the average marks of: exercises (E), seminars (S), fieldwork repo
Course schedule
1 - The concept of natural resource and its derivations Introduction 1.1 Some complementary issues 1.2 Renewable x exhaustible resources: a false antagonism 1.3 Renewable or Inexhaustible? 1.4 Difference between renewable and naturally recyclable resources: the case of water 1.5 Difference between renewable and reproductive resource Conclusions Activities 2 - The richness of resources in Brazil: natural premises Introduction 2.1 Geographical positioning and climate features 2.2 Tectonic: the architecture of territory and water concentration 2.3 Macro-structures: cratons, sedimentary basins and orogenic belts 2.4 Macro-sculptures: highlands, plains and depressions 2.5 Biodiversity: the result of combination of the landscape components Conclusions Activities 3 - Natural resources and territorial organisation Introduction 3.1 Global scale 3.2 Continental scale: Latin America 3.3 National scale: Egypt 3.4 Regional scale: Amazon 3.5 Local scale: coastal areas 3.6 Other examples 3.7 Territorial configuration beyond natural resources 3.8 The influence of natural conditions over the urbanisation of S_o Paulo State Activities 4 - Energy: an essential knowledge Introduction 4.1 Brief historic of use 4.2 Useful concepts: energy, force, work 4.3 Types of energy and possibilities of conversions 4.4 Potency and efficiency 4.5 Energy losses and rational use Conclusions Our vital virtual energy Activities EMPIRICAL LESSONS 5 _ Non-renewable minerals for energy generation Introduction 5.1 Hydrocarbons - Petrol - Natural gas - Shale gas - Coal 5.2 Uranium Activities 6 - Minerais (non-renewables, renewables and inexhaustibles) for other uses Introduction 6.1 Impacts and restoration 6.2 Raw material for construction - Aggregates, Stones, Sands, Clays, Chalk - Aggregates from rejects (non-naturals) 6.3 Other minerals (non-metallics) - Evaporites: salt and gypsum - Barite 6.4 Soils - Conservation of soils 6.5 Agrochemicals and natural resources 6.6 Ferrous metallic minerals - Iron ore - Other ferrous metallic minerals 6.7 Non-ferrous metallic minerals - Aluminium ore - Copper ore - Other non-ferrous metallic minerals Activities 7 - Renewable and reproductive natural resources: biomass Introduction 7.1 Biomass for food production - Agriculture - Livestock - Aquaculture and mariculture 7.2 Biomass for energy production - Modern biomass - Traditional and other biomasses 7.3 Biomass for other uses - Silviculture - Timber from deforestation - Other biomasses 7.4 Biomass related to environment preservation - Protected areas - Sustainable ways to produce biomass - The milestone of biodiversity and bio-piracy Conclusions Activities 8 - Water resources: a special chapter Introduction 8.1 Definition and essential information - Atmospheric waters - Superficial, fresh and liquid waters - Underground fresh water 8.2 Water uses - Non-energy uses - Energy uses 8.3 Desalination of ocean water 8.4 The Brazilian paradox 8.5 San Peter: wanted alive or dead 8.6 S_o Francisco river transposition 8.7 Perspectives Activities 9 - Natural resources for non-traditional or alternative energy production Introduction 9.1 Sun energy - Transformation of Sun energy into thermo-energy - Transformation of Sun energy into electrical energy 9.2 Wind energy 9.3 Geothermal energy - Transformation of geothermal energy into electricity - Geothermal energy in Brazil 9.4 Alternative hydraulic energy - Tidal energy - Wave energy - Water flow energy 9.5 Hydrogen (H2) Conclusion Activities
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Luis Antonio Bittar Venturi
Other information
Fieldworks may have alterations due to logistic issues
Site for Inquiry
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