Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering National Taiwan University

Course Overview
The purpose of this course is to introduce the concepts, theories, and applications of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. It is a multidisciplinary course including the related topics in seismology, geology, wave propagation, soil dynamics, structure dynamics, risk analysis and related engineering problems. Topics discussed in this course include plate tectonics, faults, wave propagation, earthquake ground motion, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis dynamic soil behavior and its evaluation, site effect, soil liquefaction, soil-structure interaction and other earthquake-induced ground failure.
Learning Achievement
The students will have a basic understanding of concepts, theories and applications related to the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering.
Course prerequisites
Structural Dynamics or Soil Dynamics
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
On-Lei( Annie) Kwok
Other information
*Majors-only (including minor and double major students). (College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering,Geotechnical Engineering Division
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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