Global Firm University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course aims at providing students with a general overview ofMultinational Enterprises (MNEs) since Multinational Corporations(MNCs) are believed to be central and dominant actors in the globaleconomy. This course is entirely taught in English which will enable studentsto acquire key concepts and terms relating to the theories ofmultinational enterprises and international business. The course should also contribute to improve learners’ Englishlanguage proficiency; more particularly, oral comprehensionperformance and vocabulary acquisition.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Intermediate English skills (B1/B2) - A basic understanding of the principles of Economics andManagement.
Grading Philosophy
Final examination : Written (2h)
Course schedule
The first part of the course is an introduction to the concept ofglobalization and its origin, which is reviewed through its four maindimensions: economic, political, cultural and ecological. The secondpart of the course focuses on the characteristics and functions ofmultinational enterprises and aims at debunking a few myths about theconcept of “global” firms. The third part of the course deals withthe world of international business and its environment from amultidirectional approach. It explores the general frameworks ofinternational business, as well asthe most common internationalbusiness strategies.The fourth part of the course puts the future of MNEs into perspectiveby investigating the most direct threats to international business,namely changing political environments, global inequality, negativeglobal flows and processes, and the international strategy of emergingmarket firms. The conclusion examines the need for a long-termapproach to business activity andassesses the claim that corporatesustainability may benefit both international business and theenvironment.
Course type
Lecture course
Online Course Requirement
Other information
BIBLIOGRAPHY: - ADEKOLA, Abel and SERGI, Bruno S. Global Business Management: ACross-Cultural Perspective. London and New York: Routledge, 2016. - BEUGELSDIJK, Sjoerd and BRAKMAN, Steven and GARRETSEN,Harry and VANMARREWIJK, Charles. International Economics and Business: Nations andFirms in the Global Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2013. - COLLI, Andrea. Dynamics of International Business:ComparativePerspectives of Firms, Markets and Entrepreneurship. Londonand New York: Routledge, 2016. - CUERVO-CAZURRA Alvaro and RAMAMURTI, Ravi. UnderstandingMultinationals from Emerging Markets. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2014. - DE LISO, Nicola and LEONCINI, Ricardo. Internationalisation,Technological change and the Theory of the Firm. London and New York:Routledge, 2011. - DIERKS, Rosa G. Introduction to Globalization: Political andEconomic Perspectives for the New Century. Chicago: BurnhamInc.Publishers, 2001. - DUNNING, John H. and LUNDAN, Sarianna M. Multinational Enterprisesand the Global Economy. Northampton (MA): Edward Elgar Publishing,2008. - FREEMAN, Richard B., and SHAW, Kathryn L. International Differencesin the Business Practices and Productivity of Firms. Chicago andLondon: The University of Chicago Press, 2009. - JACOBS, Michael and MAZZUCATO, Mariana. Rethinking capitalism:economics and policy for sustainable and inclusive growth. Malden(Mass.): Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. - LOPEZ GONZALEZ, J., P. KOWALSKI and P. ACHARD. “Trade, globalvalue chains and wage-income inequality”. OECD Trade Policy Papers,No. 182, OECD Publishing, Paris: 2015. - MILANOVIĆ, Branko. Globalization and inequality. Northamton (MA,USA): Edward Elgar, 2012.- MOOSA, Imad A. Foreign Direct Investment:Theory, Evidence and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. - MOOSA, Imad A. Foreign Direct Investment: Theory, Evidence andPractice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. - NEWELL, Peter and PATERSON, Matthew. Climate capitalism. Globalwarming and the Transformation of the Global Economy. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2010.- PANIBRATOV, Andrei. InternationalStrategy of Emerging Market Firms: Absorbing Global Knowledge andBuilding Competitive Advantage. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, 2017. - PENROSE, Edith. The Large International Firm in DevelopingCountries. The Petroleum Industry. London and New York: Routledge,2013 - PODRUG, Najla and FILIPOVIC, Davor and KUVEZDIC, Marko.“Multinational Corporations: The Changing Strategic Orientation inthe Twenty-First Century”. Neostrategic Management: An InternationalPerspective on Trends and Challenges. Basel: SpringerInternationalPublishing, 2016. - RITZER, George. Globalization: The Essentials. Chichester:Wiley–Blackwell, 2011. - ROBÉ, Jean-Philippe and LYON-CAEN, Antoine and VERNAC Stéphane.Multinationals and the constitutionalization of the worldpower system.London and New York: Routledge, 2016 - RUGMAN, Alan M. The Oxford Handbook of International Business.Oxford: OUP, 2009. - RUGMAN, Alan M. and COLLINSON, Simon. International Business. 7thEdition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2017. - RUGMAN, Alan M. and OH Chang H. and LIM Dominic S.K. “TheRegional and Global Competitiveness of Multinational Firms”Discussion Paper Series. John H. Dunning Centre for InternationalBusiness. Discussion Paper No. 2011-003 June 2011. - STEGER, Manfred B. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction.4thedition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. KEY WORDS:Multinational Firms – Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) –Multinational Companies (MNCs) - international business –globalization –internationalizationDuration: 17.5 hoursLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Helena