Global Issues and Society University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
It is crucial to solve global issues for constructing sustainable society. We tackle the issues of water, waste management, urbanization, eco-system and climate change shown in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we explain the causes, mechanism, spatial and temporal variabilities, and solution from the viewpoints of multiple stakeholders.
Learning Achievement
Students will understand causes and mechanisms of global issues based on natural and social sciences ideas with consideration of the role of multiple stakeholders to solve the issues.
This coursework raises students' general competence by enhancing critical and creative thinking skills and broadening their horizons to cope with various global issues.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Report 100%
Course schedule
This lecture will be given by the invited lecturers from Institute for Global Environmental Strategies This cource will be held on 21, 22 Jan. 2023 by face to face. 1. Causes and mechanisms of global issues 2. Natural and social aspects of water issues 3. Regional aspects of water issues and its site specific factors 4. water issues and climate change and urbanization 5. water issues and role of multiple stakeholders to solve the issues 6. Natural and social aspects of waste management issues 7. waste management issues in the urban area and its Regional variability 8. Spread of waster issues with the urbanization 9. Role of multiple stakeholders to solve the waste issues 10. Summary
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Be proactive to have basic and solid knowledge, without being lost on the Internet. Be eager to build an original perspective. Be interactive during classes, and do not be afraid of making mistakes.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university